Smart Cargo Configuration Objects



Name Type Description
vehicleTypes VehicleType[] Vehicle Type List
vehicles Vehicle[] Vehicle List
shipments Shipment[] Shipment List
services Service[] Service List
pickups Pickup[] Pickup List
deliveries Delivery[] Delivery List



Vehicle Type


Name Type Description
id String Unique Vehicle Type Id
costPerDistance Double Cost per unit distance
costPerTransportTime Double Cost per transport unit time
costPerServiceTime Double Costs per service unit time
costPerWaitingTime Double Cost per waiting unit time
fixedCost Double Fixed cost
maxVelocity Double Max velocity Km/h
capacityDimension Capacity[] Capacity matrix





Name Type Description
id String Unique Vehicle Id
type String Vehicle Type Id
skills String[] Array of Skills available
startLocation Location Start Location
endLocation Location End Location
latestArrival Double Latest Arrival Time
earliestStart Double Earliest Start Time
returnToDepot Boolean Return To Depot





Name Type Description
name String Unique name of Shipment
dimension Capacity[] Capacity Matrix
skills String[] Array of Skills needed
pickupLocation Location Pickup Location
deliveryLocation Location Delivery Location
pickupTimeWindow TimeWindow[] Pickup Time Windows
deliveryTimeWindow TimeWindow[] Delivery Time Windows
pickupServiceTime Double Pickup Service Time
deliveryServiceTime Double Delivery Service Time





Name Type Description
name String Unique name of Service
dimension Capacity[] Capacity Matrix
skills String[] Array of Skills needed
location Location Service Location
TimeWindow TimeWindow[] Service Time Windows
ServiceTime Double Service Time





Name Type Description
name String Unique name of Pickup
dimension Capacity[] Capacity Matrix
skills String[] Array of Skills needed
location Location Pickup Location
TimeWindow TimeWindow[] Pickup Time Windows
ServiceTime Double Service Time





Name Type Description
name String Unique name of Delivery
dimension Capacity[] Capacity Matrix
skills String[] Array of Skills needed
location Location Delivery Location
TimeWindow TimeWindow[] Delivery Time Windows
ServiceTime Double Service Time





Name Type Description
index Integer Capacity index
value Integer Max value for this index





Name Type Description
lat Double Latitude
lng Double Longitude





Name Type Description
earliest Double Earliest time (hours)
latest Double Latest time (hours)


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